New Rules for Hazard Classification!!

European Commission introduced new hazard classes for endocrine disruptors and other harmful chemical substances The Classification, Labelling and Packaging regulation, EC No. 1272/2008 has been revised to give more clarity about new Rules for hazard classification. As a result of the revision, the gaps in chemical hazards information will be filled in and the different […]

European Commission finalized the regulations on biopesticides

The new regulations are based on the latest scientific developments and microorganism properties European union has finalized the amended version of regulations regarding biopesticides on (EU) Nos. 546/2011 and 1107/2009 (Annex II) lay out standardized principles and criteria for assessing and authorizing plant protection products and microorganism active substances, regulation (EU) No. 283/2013 and (EU) […]

Revision of The Guidance Document on ‘The Risk Assessment of Plant Protection Products on Bees (Apis Mellifera, Bombus Spp. and Solitary Bees)’ under finalization state

EFSA is currently evaluating its 2013 document on the ‘risk assessment’ of plant protection products and bees (Apis mellifera, Bombus spp., and solitary bees). What guidance document published in 2013 says? The objective of this Guidance Document (GD) is to outline a process by which plant protection products (PPPs) can be evaluated for their potential […]