The Kenyan government tightens up import of illegal pesticides

The Kenyan government tightens up import of illegal pesticides

The Kenya Pest Control Products Board (PCPB) has issued a strong warning to local agents and registrants about pest control product imports. The circular, headlined “IMPORTATION OF PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS,” expresses about unregistered formulation sites and encourages rigorous compliance with laws. 

The PCPB is concerned that some agents and registrants are sourcing pest control products from unauthorized manufacturers, which might compromise the efficacy, quality, and safety of the products. To address this issue, the board implemented several measures: 

Importation ban: Importing any pest control product from an unregistered source is now strictly prohibited and illegal.  

Permit approval restrictions: Products originating from non-registered formulation plants will not get import approval or permits. 

Service suspension: PCPB services may be suspended if companies fail to comply with these regulations. 

Verification visits: To make sure that quality control criteria are being followed, the PCPB reserve the right to conduct verification visits to approved manufacturing locations at for registrant or applicant’s own expenses. 

This crackdown attempts to safeguard Kenyan customers from potentially dangerous pest control products while also providing a level playing field for responsible registrants and agents. As part of its commitment to keeping pest control standards high, the PCPB encourages stakeholder engagement.