IUCLID now accepts new CLP hazard classes.

The Classification, Labelling, and Packaging (CLP) Regulation was recently modified and amended, allowing companies to start adding information on new hazard classes to their IUCLID dossiers. Specifically, IUCLID software will recognize the following new classifications for substances and mixtures will get effective from the date ‘April 29, 2024’: Endocrine disruptors (ED) affecting human health or […]

The Danish government announced that IUCLID must be used to generate product summaries

The ‘European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)’ has released a new version of IUCLID i.e. v7.12.4, the International Uniform Chemical Information Database, bringing improvements to submissions for biocidal products and streamlining data management across various regulations. ‘Danish Environmental Protection Agency’ also mentions manufacturers of biocidal products in the European Union take note! Starting February 12, 2024, all […]