Auxilife Newsletter
US EPA Approves Strengthened Pesticide Safety Plans for Certifying Applicators
November 9, 2023NewsletterPesticide Safety,Pesticide Safety Plans,Pesticides usage,restricted use pesticides,US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the final approval of 67 updated plans for certifying applicators of ‘restricted use pesticides (RUP)’. The announcement allows all U.S. regions to continue certifying applicators of RUPs but will also require them to adhere to higher safety standards...
Read MorePesticides: MEPs want the use of chemical pesticides to be drastically reduced
November 4, 2023NewsletterEuropean Parliament,MEPs,Rapporteur Sarah Wiener,use of chemical pesticides
The members of the European parliament have endorsed its position on measures that should be taken to ensure sustainability in the use of pesticides as well as reduce the use and risk of all chemical pesticides by at least 50% by 2030. The new EU...
Read MoreFood Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) suggests amending food code to align residue limits with other national regulations.
October 28, 2023NewsletterAustralian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority,Food Standards Australia,Food Standards New Zealand,FSANZ,veterinary chemicals
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) proposes to amend its Food Standards Code to align residue limits (MRLs) for agricultural and veterinary chemicals with other national regulations. Regulatory Authority involved: Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) APVAMA sets maximum residue...
Read MoreGovernment of India Banned Four Insecticides
Authority of India CIB-RC has prohibited the use of three insecticides, namely Dicofol, Dinocap and Methomyl from the date of publication of order. This order is effective from date October 3, 2023. The order also prohibits the manufacture and sale of Monocrotophos 36% SL formulation...
Read MoreFramework of new QSAR assessment supports alternatives to animal testing!
October 13, 2023Newsletteralternatives to animal testing,European chemical agency (ECHA),Framework of new QSAR assessment,QSAR assessment,QSAR model
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has released a groundbreaking framework to assess quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) studies, which provides more ethical and animal free approach to gain data on chemicals. ‘QSAR models’ are computer tools for predicting a compound’s characteristics, such...
Read MoreEPA issues final guidance for pesticide applications and registration review activities that require ESA reviews
September 26, 2023NewsletterBiopesticide,chemicals,epa,esa,fifra,good agricultural practices,Pestcontrol,Pesticide,PPP
In order to increase the effectiveness of EPA’s Endangered Species Act studies for new pesticide active ingredient applications and active ingredients undergoing registration review, the “U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)” has provided final guidance to pesticide registrants. The guidance fulfils requirements outlined in the Pesticide...
Read MoreThe APVMA has published notice for the details of the registration and suspension of agricultural and veterinary chemicals products.
September 21, 2023Newsletteragrochemical,Pesticide,registration of agricultural and veterinary chemicals products.,suspension of agricultural and veterinary chemicals products.
Information about veterinary chemical manufacturer licenses, approved active ingredients, and agricultural and veterinary chemical products can be found in Gazette No. 19, published on September, 2023. On the holder’s request, it also announces the suspension of several dimethoate products and labels as well as the...
Read MoreNew GB Extrapolation Guidance to Come into Force on January 1, 2024
September 14, 2023NewsletterGood Agricultural Practice (GAP),New HSE Guidance on pesticide residue Extrapolation in agricultural commodities,New HSE Guidance on pesticide residue Extrapolation in food,The Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has released a New HSE Guidance on pesticide residue Extrapolation in food and agricultural commodities. The guidance, which will come into force on January 1, 2024, replaces the previous version of the document, SANCO 7525/VI/95 Rev. 10.3. The new...
Read MoreThe ECHA releases 6.0 version of BPR Guidance for 2023: Volume II Efficacy, Assessment and Evaluation (Parts B and C)
September 4, 2023Newsletter6.0 version of BPR Guidance,Biocidal Products Regulation,Biocidal Products Regulation Volume II,ECHA,ECHA releases 6.0 version of BPR Guidance
This Guidance includes technical guidance on how to conduct hazard and exposure assessments, as well as risk characterization for biocidal active agents and products in terms of effectiveness. The year 2023 brings forth a comprehensive and illuminating resource for the biocidal industry with the release...
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