The ECHA releases 6.0 version of BPR Guidance for 2023: Volume II Efficacy, Assessment and Evaluation (Parts B and C)

This Guidance includes technical guidance on how to conduct hazard and exposure assessments, as well as risk characterization for biocidal active agents and products in terms of effectiveness. The year 2023 brings forth a comprehensive and illuminating resource for the biocidal industry with the release of Volume II of the guidance on biocidal products regulation […]

Draft rules for the Green Credit Programme 2023 have been released!!

In a significant move towards promoting sustainable development and environmentally conscious financial practices, the government has revealed the highly anticipated ‘draft green credit programme implementation rules.’ The rules outline guidelines for assessing the environmental impact of various projects and assigning “green credits” to those that meet predefined sustainability criteria. Key highlights of the draft rules […]

Australia proposed suspension of dimethoate products used as a post-harvest dip for fruit with inedible peel.

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has put forth a proposal to suspend the registration and labelling of chemical products containing dimethoate, primarily used as a post-harvest dip for fruit with inedible peel. Reports received by the APVMA have indicated that the permissible limit of pesticide residue, known as the maximum residue limit […]

Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS Rev. 10, 2023) Adopted by the United Nations

In a significant move to enhance the safety and standardization of chemicals worldwide, the United Nations’ “Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals” has approved the tenth revised edition of the Globally Harmonized System (GHS Rev. 10). This revision comes after […]

Antifouling paints containing harmful substances are no longer permitted after 1 August 2023

In a move to protect the environment and public health, New Zealand authorities have officially banned the use, import, and manufacture of certain antifouling paints containing thiram, diuron, octhilinone, and ziram, effective from 1 August 2023.   The decision to phase out these paints was made due to their detrimental effects on marine ecosystems and potential […]

Harmonized Classification and Labelling Consultations Open for Public Comment within the European Union

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has initiated a crucial step in ensuring the safety of chemical substances within the European Union. The agency has invited concerned parties to participate in the consultation process for harmonized classification and labelling (CLH) of various hazardous substances. The hazardous classes currently open for public comment have been indicated for […]

OECD Releases 21 Updated Test Guidelines For Chemical Safety Testing!

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has announced the publication of several significant updates and corrections to its Test Guidelines for chemical safety testing. These guidelines play a crucial role in providing standardized methods for assessing the potential risks associated with various chemicals. The new guidelines aim to enhance the accuracy and reliability […]

EFSA Finds No Critical Areas of Concern in Glyphosate Risk Assessment, Paving the Way for Possible Approval Renewal

In a groundbreaking development, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has announced that it did not identify any critical areas of concern in its recent peer review of the glyphosate risk assessment an active substance commonly used in herbicides. This assessment pertains to the potential risk glyphosate poses to humans, animals, and the environment. The EFSA’s […]