The Government of Spain (MAPA) approves new regulations for soil nutrition

In a crucial step towards sustainable agriculture, the Council of Ministers has adopted a new royal decree to rationalize crop fertilization. This initiative, proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food, is aligns with the European plan “From Farm to Table,” which emphasises both production and environmental sustainability. The new regulations, which are included […]

Nebih Clarifies Requirements for Non-Plant Protection Agent Preparations

Nebih Updates Regulations: Simple Substances Now Permitted in Non-Plant Protection Preparations with Additional License Holder Statement National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has reminded license holders about amended regulations for preparations that are not classified as plant protection agents. Effective immediately, these preparations can now include simple substances in their composition. However, this requires a […]

EU Adopts Digital Labelling for Fertilizers

The European Union has taken an important step towards modernising the fertiliser sector by enacting a new law that encourages digital labelling of fertilizer products. The decision, agreed by the Council, signals the end of the legislative process. EU Adopts Digital Labelling for Fertilizers intends to streamline the labelling process, minimise producer costs, and increase […]