EU Published the final document on renewing the approval of the active substance glyphosate!

After months of reviewal and lots of discussion, the European Commission has finally published the final document renewing glyphosate, the weedkiller ingredient, for another ten years. Despite concerns about its potential link to cancer and a failure to reach a majority agreement among member states, the decision was made. This publication will be effective on […]

The EPA outlines a draft plan to protect endangered species from rodenticides.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today released a draft plan outlining new measures to protect endangered animals and plants from the unintended consequences of rodent control. The “draft Biological Evaluation” looks at the effects of 11 commonly used rodenticides on nearly 1,800 endangered species and their habitats. The majority of these rodenticide applications, […]

Government has introduced a new program to empower women farmers through drone technology.

The government has launched a new program aimed at empowering women farmers by utilizing cutting-edge drone technology to precisely apply nano urea and D-ammonia phosphate (DAP) in agricultural fields. The initiative, housed at the newly established Cooperative Rural Development Trust (CORDET) at IFFCO in Phulpur, represents a significant step toward increasing farmer’s income and revolutionizing […]

Agrochemical Regulations: What you need to know

In the complex world of rules shaping our society, agrochemical regulations play a vital role in guiding responsible practices in agriculture. Every country tailors its own rules, aiming to find a sweet spot between boosting agricultural output and protecting the environment. These rules, enforced by agricultural authorities, are crucial for the safe and thoughtful use […]

Ministry of agriculture and welfare introduced micronutrients with their specifications to use in the Fertilizer formulation.

A new amendment has been made to the Fertiliser (Inorganic, Organic, or Mixed) Control Order, 1985, now may be called the Fertiliser Control Order, 2023. The government has amended the Fertiliser (Inorganic, Organic, or Mixed) Control Order, 2023, in a significant development aimed at regulating the fertiliser industry. This amendment, which is expected to bring […]

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) suggests amending food code to align residue limits with other national regulations.

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) proposes to amend its Food Standards Code to align residue limits (MRLs) for agricultural and veterinary chemicals with other national regulations. Regulatory Authority involved: Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) APVAMA sets maximum residue levels that are not likely to be exceeded if agricultural […]

Government of India Banned Four Insecticides

Authority of India CIB-RC has prohibited the use of three insecticides, namely Dicofol, Dinocap and Methomyl from the date of publication of order. This order is effective from date October 3, 2023. The order also prohibits the manufacture and sale of Monocrotophos 36% SL formulation except for existing stock which can be sold and used […]